Why Did Chuck Norris Destroy the Periodic Table? Because He Only Recognizes the Element of Surprise

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

We Are Going Back To The Future

What element was used to fuel the time machine vehicle? Give me the name, atomic symbol, and atomic number.
If you can not remember or have not seen the movie, here is the link to the plot summary of the movie.

The Fifth Element

In 1997, there was a move titled The Fifth Element, which starred Bruce Willis and Gary Oldman. What is the fifth element on the periodic table? Give me the name and atomic symbol.

Periodic Table of Cartoons


Thanks to oldmanmusing.com, there is the periodic table of cartoons.
Give me the name of two to three cartoon characters and the element they represent.

Is It In You?

The video shows a Gatorade commercials, which we all know is a beverage combination of water, carbohydrates, and electrolytes.

When they are in solution, what elements on the periodic table can be considered as electrolytes? You can use the article below to help you.
